
Nomura Funds Ireland – Global Dynamic Bond Fund

In today’s uncertain environment, investors need the relative stability of fixed income assets but global yields remain low, even after recent rises. To achieve attractive returns and to control risks in such an environment, a highly flexible and dynamic approach is needed. The Fund’s portfolio management team, headed by Richard (“Dickie”) Hodges, an industry veteran of more than 30 years’ experience, scour the globe for attractive return opportunities whilst dynamically hedging against shorter term risks.

Investment Approach

  • Highly flexible fixed income portfolio with dynamic downside risk control
  • Indicative yield of 3-5% over the medium term and the potential for additional capital returns
  • Strategic, long-term physical bond holdings combined with shorter-term risk hedging

Reasons to Invest

  • Access to attractive return opportunities globally, with the proven ability to protect against downside risk
  • A flexible ‘go anywhere’ approach, the team are able to invest across a wide rage of fixed income securities





Potential significant risks

Bonds that produce a higher level of income usually also carry greater risk as such bond issuers may have difficulty in paying their debts. Emerging markets or less developed countries may face more political, economic or structural challenges than developed countries.

Investment Objective

The fund aims to provide a combination of income and growth through investing principally in a broad range of debt securities with fixed or variable rates of income. A discretionary (unconstrained) approach combining a thematic top-down macro view with fundamental bottom-up selections. The portfolio will use both cash bonds and fixed income-related derivatives to dynamically adjust strategic positions of shorter-term market movements.

Fund Size

USD 2.2 billion (as at 30.06.2024)

Investment Company

Nomura Asset Management U.K. Ltd.

Fund Manager

Richard ‘Dickie’ Hodges
Head of Unconstrained Fixed Income,
Nomura Asset Management U.K. Ltd.

Launch Date


Base Currency



Fixed Income – Global




Ireland (Nomura Funds Ireland plc)


Further information can be found on the website of Nomura Asset Management U.K. Ltd. (You will leave the website of Nomura Asset Management Europe KVG mbH and will switch to the website of Nomura Asset Management U.K. Ltd.)

Fund ISIN Annual
Class A EUR IE00BTL1FL02
Class A EUR Hedged IE00BTL1FT87
Class A USD IE00BTL1FJ89
Class AD EUR IE00BTL1G288
Class AD EUR Hedged IE00BTL1G957
Class AD USD IE00BTL1G064
Class AD3 USD IE00BM9KY805
Class I EUR IE00BTL1GK69
Class I EUR Hedged IE00BTL1GS46
Class I USD IE00BTL1GH31
Class ID EUR IE00BTL1H146
Class ID EUR Hedged IE00BTL1H815

A German version of the prospectus can be found here.

The English version of the prospectus is legally binding.

The table comprises a selection of the current available share classes (partly not yet active) for the stated Nomura Funds Ireland plc. mutual fund.

As per January 2024

A complete overview of all available share classes and documents of the Nomura Funds Ireland plc can be found here. 

(Please note that the link will access a website for contents of we assume no responsibility and to which our data protection rules do not apply.)